Friends of Fort Victoria
"Promote, Maintain, Enhance"
About us
The Friends of Fort Victoria Country Park are a community group set up in 2023. We are an unincorporated charitable association with trustees and members. Our mission is to promote the use of Fort Victoria Country Park to the public, assist in maintaining the site as a whole and fundraise to achieve these objectives and to further enhance the parks facilities.
The Friends are an independent association and not connected with the landowner, the Isle of Wight Council.
The association’s objects are
To conserve and enhance the area generally known as Fort Victoria Country Park ensuring that the space is free to access and enjoy sustainably for current and future generations.
Protect and enhance the natural and historic environment of the area.
Carry out and promote environmental improvement, practical conservation and other voluntary work.
Educate, encourage and support Country Park users in the sustainable use and enjoyment of the area.
To work with the land owner, neighbouring land owners and statutory and non-statutory agencies to promote the work of the Friends.
Promote the health and well-being of Fort Victoria Country Park users working together regardless of age, ethnic origin, ability, sex, belief or political affiliation recognising the value of our many differences.
Promote fitness, community recreation and leisure facilities.
Raise funds and receive contributions where appropriate to finance the work.
Publicise and promote the work.
Campaign for and promote the above aims and objectives
Who We Are
Founding members are representatives from each of the businesses located at the Fort as listed below, each businesses puts forward one representative to form a voting committee and pays a membership subscription annually to the charity. This is set annually by the committee to ensure the organisation can meet its basic administration costs. The voting committee can comprise up to nine voting members five from the businesses with up to an additional four co-opted from local organisations or individuals.
Our constitution can be downloaded here
The Founding members are:
The Isle of Wight Reptilarium
The Island Planetarium
Fort Victoria Museum
Cafe Verdi
The Imaginarium
Co-opted members:
Chair: Mr N Reed
Secretary: Miss L Hartley
Treasurer: Mrs C Anderson
Our address is:
The Friends of Fort Victoria,
Care of The Museum,
Fort Victoria Country park,
Westhill Lane, Isle of Wight
PO41 0RR
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